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Complexity. Made Simple.

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T11 Panorama's VMS  is lighting fast, easy to use, cross-platform IP video management system (VMS) / video surveillance software designed to discover, view, record, and manage IP video cameras so you can monitor, analyze and react to critical events in real-time.


You can choose from a suite of integrations that match your business needs to create the perfect solution for your enterprise or client.

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PANORAMA was built for users

Panorama was designed to be instantly usable so new users can install, configure, and begin administrating Systems with little to no training!


It works with 99% of IP cameras out of the box.

Panorama auto-discovers 99% of IP cameras out there and works with USB Webcams (v4.0), RTSP, HTTP, UDP streams, and even offline video and image files.

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Its FAST. Even on Standard Hardware

Panorama is fast, with advanced technologies like adaptive scaling and a Desktop client that can run on even low-power CPUs like the Intel Compute Stick.

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It's Lightweight and Cross Platform.

Panorama has applications for every major OS – including Windows, Mac, Unbuntu Linux, ARM Developer boards, iOS and Android devices, and all major Browsers.

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Panorama’s Server Hive Architecture brings with it Automatic Camera Failover so you can design your system for maximum redundancy with no single point of failure.


Panorama's VMS comes with a suite of free developer tools that allow you to integrate anything – 3rd party video analytics, access control, fire & alarm systems and more!


Panorama allows users to customize their system to match their own needs – with a customizable Desktop background, infinitely customizable Layouts, and more.

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Panorama saves users money by reducing costs across the board. It’s easy to design, runs on low-cost hardware, and requires little-to-no maintenance during use.


HTTP Events & Actions

Generate CreateEvent API calls (aka “Generic Events”) which can be used to create custom automations in the Rules Engine.

Camera Details Pane

​A special panel in the Server Web Client which provides camera ID and stream info that makes it easier to develop integrations.

Interested in starting a Free Trial of Panorama with up to 4 video streams?

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